Home Technology How to use technology to teach without being boring

How to use technology to teach without being boring

by Tom Riddle
technology to teach

In a world where the attention of people and especially of students is an increasingly scarce non-renewable resource, therefore, it is necessary to use technology to teach. Likewise, entertaining and innovating are two recurring and necessary terms in current training and education processes.

technology to teach

People are becoming more demanding and want to learn in a more interactive way, so it is very possible that if you have had to design a training program for your company, you will surely agree that keeping people connected with the content of study is very difficult, even more so that the public learns and retains the information beyond half an hour after the end of the training session or class, therefore, thinking of taking education and training to a more playful level, where is learned naturally, for example as we do from birth, through play and experimentation with trial and error, as a result from  Didactic School we  coined the term  REDI,  which is an  acronym for Interactive Didactic Educational Resource  for the construction of meaningful learning.

What is a REDI?

REDI  is a didactic element that promotes  active learning  through interaction, because it stimulates the generation of conscious actions with the commitment of cognitive development and a clear purpose of learning, (Like when we play a video game or a baby explores its toys). The  REDI  are micro-learning elements that take advantage of gamification or gamification resources in English, this to seek that people learn in a fun way, getting deeply involved with the technology-supported learning activity.

Uses of Interactive Digital Educational Resources

REDIs  can  be used to teach very simple concepts, such as: hand washing, technical business training topics such as preparing a product in a chain restaurant, and even be used to change habits and behaviors, as in the case of teaching a salesperson at a point of sale to react positively to the emotions and frustrations of customers. 

REDIs  can  be classified into two types:

  • Exploration REDI:

They allow interaction with the content by strengthening its meaning, for example: rotating cards, drag and drop, wheel of fortune, timelines, comics, image comparison, pop-up balloons, expanded cards, scratch and win, etc.

  • Training REDI:

They are challenges or challenges that test what has been learned, giving a quantitative rating from 0 to 100%, for example: pairings, sequential questionnaires with progress, classification in groups, ordering, filling in spaces, etc.

Success stories using REDI

There are multiple experiences of the use of REDI to take advantage of technology to teach , as we did with  Nuestro Flow , a social enterprise dedicated to the creation of content and pedagogical tools to promote equity and diversity, Escuela Didactica participated in this development with the technology for a test in which you can evaluate the prejudices we have and unconsciously influence our behavior, if you want you can take the test by clicking here .

REDI development process

REDI is formulated in co-creation with the thematic expert and the instructional designer , with whom, from the identification of the key content, the typology and interaction are defined to have clarity of the pieces that will be made in the design and development. Therefore, this equation seeks to articulate teaching, technology and design to shape the learning objective in a pleasant, didactic and interactive way.

The REDI contains the following activities to achieve a successful teaching and training product :

  • Formulation of the learning objective.
  • Didactic transposition.
  • Interface design and user experience.
  • Illustration and/or graphic design.
  • Programming and integration.

Budget to develop REDI

The costs to carry out this type of components may vary depending on the complexity and scope of the teaching or training plan , however, they do not exceed the budgets for the production of audiovisual resources, therefore, if it is evaluated from the relation of cost benefit far exceeds a traditional training plan in which the impact on user learning is low or nil.

In short, if you are participating in the development of a training plan for a company, or perhaps if you are a member of an educational institution, even if you just want to share knowledge with your clients on some topic, contact us to include the REDI in your training strategy and get the most out of new technologies for teaching.

Now let’s have a look at what GTE is in GTE technology you basically trade not with money but instead with digital tokens.

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